Monday, 1 August 2016

Is It Just Me?

Is it just me or do you also miss those times when it was easier?
Is it just me who wants to go back and live in that moment forever?
Is it just me who misses those people who walked away because you never thought they would?
Is it just me who wants to spend all day watching TV, reading books and being a kid. Doing what you want, pursuing your dreams instead of boxing yourself up in a fixed schedule with things to do to be called successful?
Is it just me who wants to go back to the age where you cared more about playing hide and seek than about how much of your skin you hide or show?
I can't help it. I know im supposed to be strong and let things go and that this is a part of growing up but honestly, I don't want to grow up anymore.
Maybe im delusional but growing up was a bad idea. Let's go back to the time when the essence of the person mattered more than the brands on their shell.
A broken heart, a lie unraveled, a dress too long, a skirt too short, eyeliner too thick, waist too thin weren't things that mattered.
Relations outweighed the greed for higher Bank balances
And life wasn't a train you had to catch
Rather it was a stroll along a path
Enjoying the view and the weather
What have we come to?
We work endless hours to increase our bank balances endlessly to impress people we don't know and neglect those we claim to love.
We focus our research on developing robots failing to realise that we have become them ourselves.
Running a mundane life,
Let's break free of these shackles
Let's go back to a time when it was simpler
And the only difference between being a grown up and a kid were mere numbers
Let's go back to those days where girls wore long dresses and picked flowers from the fields
Running around giggling with happiness
Maybe it's just me
Maybe for me the city life isnt meant to be
But is it just me who craves a runaway to a beautiful hillside full of flowers
Is it just me who wants to go back to being Heidi again?