Wednesday, 18 December 2013

The New Year Resolution Tradition!

It’s that time of the year again, December is here and that means Christmas trees lit up and cold bites in the air, sugary foods and Christmas carols everywhere! But along with this it’s also time for the New Year. It’s time to let go of the past ghosts and welcome the future with open arms and revived hope. It’s time to say goodbye to mistakes and welcome changes. But most of all, it’s time for the New Year’s Resolutions.
The tradition of New Year’s Resolutions owes its origin to the ancient Babylonian civilisation. The ancient Babylonians made promises to their gods at the start of each year that they would return borrowed objects and pay their debts. This trend became globally adopted and these promises got termed as New Year’s Resolutions; the promises went from being promises to God to becoming promises to God and ourselves. But today, New Year’s Resolutions last only as long as the month of January and during the month of December. The remaining year is passed away without even considering your New Year Resolutions!
So yes, December brings with it the time to rummage through everything we have, hunting for that one sheet of paper with all our unfulfilled promises for the year. Your new resolution maybe to find your dream job, lose weight or learn a new language. Basically the New Year’s Resolution is just an expression of something we wish to do, something we wish to achieve and indirectly an expression of the change we wish to see within ourselves. But with every passing day, we change and as we change, so do our wishes and ambitions. Yet we must try to keep as many of our New Year’s Resolutions as possible as it helps us to achieve our goals and become the person we see, while making modifications in the resolutions based on changes in us on a daily basis.
I’ve got my sheet out and I’m looking at it to realise that I’ve barely completed any of my previous New Year’s Resolutions. So yes, I’m working on that but in addition, I’m trying to pick my New Year’s Resolutions for 2014-2015! Putting down New Year’s Resolutions on paper is easy but actuating those New Year’s Resolutions, that’s the real challenge.
This December, I’m ready for the challenge, are you?

Sunday, 12 May 2013

The Ghost Of The Past

At some point in our life, we all take a break from our hectic schedules to just sit and breathe. This is when it hits us the hardest because we are at our weakest. There is nothing to distract us or keep us occupied. When we pause our routine, is when the ghost of the past catches up with us. It is human tendency to look at the past with negativity and to remember all the rejections, heart breaks, fights and arguments while ignoring all the breath-taking moments, good days and conversations. This doesn't mean we need to keep running always, it just means we need to try to focus on the positive things in life. When the past strikes, there's no dodging it. We remember the goods times spent with people with a sort of bitterness which makes us want to go back in time and change the course of events, thinking that maybe that would stop the people from leaving us. No matter how much we want to, going back to the past is always a mistake. It will hurt you over and over and leave you shattered, no matter what you do to change the tide of events. Maybe some people weren't meant to be with us forever, maybe they were just supposed to be there for a certain time period to help us become who we are today. The familiar, warm and inviting past is any day more appealing when compared to the scary, unknown future that lies in front of us but going back is always a mistake. You can't take a step backwards and still expect to reach the finish line of the race! You have to keep moving forward and overcome the obstacles to get there! The pain of the past has made you strong enough to face the hurdles of tomorrow. 

The only reason we hold on to the past so strongly is our fear of never being able to find something that great again, but we all forget that losing something good always leads to finding something better ; all it needs is a little bit of belief and hard work. So let yourself believe in a brighter tomorrow, prepare yourself for the unexpected and never go back to the familiar past for the past is a ghost -  a ghost that will haunt you till you let go. 

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

 You Never Get To See It Come, You Only Get To Watch It Go...

They say what you want in life is what you get; I don't know how true that is but I do know that thinking about what you want does push it away. It is always the unexpected which occurs in our lives leaving us astonished with the events that take place. Life seems like a puzzle ; the more you concentrate on a single piece to complete the puzzle, the fewer are your chances to complete the puzzle but the lesser you concentrate on a particular piece & more on the picture , the more chances there are of using that piece to complete the puzzle. In this case, looking for answers only leads us to more questions. Maybe life isn't supposed to be crystal clear, maybe it isn't supposed to make sense right now & maybe we won't get all that we wish for ; we need to take a breathe, stop worrying about things & people & how we think everything should be & just appreciate the mystery of life. Someday life will be better than you could have ever imagined. Reality will be better than your dreams & you'll feel like the hero of a movie in the happy ending. That's when the mystery of life will begin to unfold for you. But to get there, we need to take a deep breath, use the view from the top as motivation and continue our uphill journey of life with no expectations because You Never Get To See It Coming But You Always Get To See It Go!